Awards and Bursaries
The BC Games Society values the opportunity to recognize organizations and individuals for their achievements and accomplishments.
BC Games Leadership Bursary
Athletes, young coaches, and youth officials taking part in the BC Winter and BC Summer Games are invited to apply for the BC Games Leadership Bursary. Supported by Canadian Tire, the bursaries recognize participants under 19 years of age who have achieved in academics and sport while going above and beyond in their communities through leadership and volunteer activities. Sixteen $1000 bursary are awarded to participants under 19 (2 per zone) at each BC Winter and BC Summer Games.
W.R. Bennett Award for Athletic Excellence
The W.R. Bennett Award recognizes one athlete at each BC Winter and BC Summer Games who demonstrates athletic achievement and leadership. The award was named in honour of former premier Bill Bennett, who created the BC Games in 1978. Nominations are submitted by Provincial Sport Organizations and the winner receives a $2,500 bursary.
BC Women & Sport Leadership Award
Presented in partnership with Sport BC to a female community leader who challenges the traditional limits for women in sports at each BC Games.
Karina LeBlanc Game Changer Award
The Karina LeBlanc Game Changer Award is given to a young Maple Ridge athlete who is a game changer both on or off the field, much as Karina has been in her sports career.